Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to handle the daily finance simply

Hi, everyone!
It’s me, the blogger of this blog.
This time, I will give some advices about how to handle your daily finance, especially to a person  with obsession in shopping who doesn’t like it? , but still want to survive for tomorrow.
May be, I am not a good person to give these advices, but believe me, I have a bad hand to control my own finance problems until I did some thinking what’s the matter with me Of course, in control my spending money.
Don’t waste the time, read this bellow to help yourself and control your finance money for the future!

1.  Know how much do you have money in a month
    This means, you must have a record how much money do you have in a month to spend in your personal spending. Write it down on a little note or just use Microsoft  office excel to make it easy for you.  This is a sample of mine from MOE, I just make an empty form. You know, we cannot show a private stuff in a public.

        The form for weekly spending is like this bellow or you can make another creative way to count your spending.  The key to make this work is making a commitment with yourself to do this.

Because, some people sometime get lazy to do some easy stuff. If you are too lazy to open your PC, laptop, etc, etc, then buy a note book. Write down all of yours before you spend your money in a month. You’ll surprise with the result.
         Making a daily journal of finance is not hard, as long as you have commitment with yourself to do it, as I said before. Oh, do not forget to collect all of your receipts after you have shopped some items. It’ll be a great helpful to count your spending and know how much price changes from time to time.

2. Do simple tricks
     Before you use your money, do some math for your future spending. Means, you must know where your money will gone. Separate them into some pieces of envelope, write on front side of envelope what kind of activity to spend that money. In example, if  you  have money  to pay your house’s rent, then write it on envelope such as  “house’s rent for  this month”.  Separating   your money  will help you control unexpected spending.  The point is, do not put your money in one place. Do not ever! This simple  reckless  that always happen in real world.  Just like do some invest,  a smart investor doesn’t put all his money in one place, too risky.
    When you go outside, make sure you bring enough money, but it shouldn’t be so less. Me, always hidden $ 5 in  my bag or my wallet as a reserve. I slip it in a tight place. We can’t predict some bad thing can happen in the future.
     If you have credit card, I advice do not always bring your credit card every day, every time and everywhere. Sometimes, you’ll need cash only.  

3. Making a shopping list
     Before you go to shopping, make sure you had already planned everything that you want to buy in that time. Do not buying item which is not include in your shopping list. If you have to, convince yourself how important that item you want to buy. Is it just a desire to spend money or a useful one? Choose the better one.

4.  Know your position and motive
     Do you have an obsession with shopping?  Happy to get new arrival? Get some cute high heels? Or you just do shopping because you can dismiss your stress along the day? Etc, etc, etc.
     Everyone has a motive to buy something. Knowing your motive can lead you to know where your position as a buyer is. It will help you to manage your spending a lot. My tips, if you a person that has an obsession for shopping please, look back your old items. Are they still worth for you or not?  If yes, do some changes with your old items, may be reform them into something new,  E.g.  if you have obsession with buying clothes, then get some old yours and remake them.  But, if not worth it and not good for you, just threw them into trash can (or just donate them for people  who need them), or if it’s still good and not worth it for you, then resell them back. You can save some money from that.
     For person with problems in dismiss stress, my tips is, yes, you can still go to Mall, your favorite stores, or places where you are usually go shopping. But!  Remember your position and motive why you in that place. There’s no problems if we just looking at some items and not buying them. All we do is just looking around. When your desire to buy an item up, think again and count to 10 in minds, is it important to me to buy this?  Will I regret after I buy it?  Then walk away!

5.  Commitment with yourself
      And again, please, do commitment with yourself; do not get lazy to do that. You will really surprise in the end of the month how much money you have spent on them. And regret, yes, always show up in the last time. It will stick on you when you see the number. Please, do commitment.

Note: sorry for bad English. Comment will be appreciated!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Misi Perusahaan

Misi Perusahaan
Apa itu misi?
Dan apa itu perusahaan?
Misi : cara-cara untuk mencapai suatu visi; niat atau keyakinan atau ideologi yang dianut.
Perusahaan : kegiatan yg diselenggarakan dgn cara teratur dgn tujuan mencari keuntungan.

Misi perusahaan ?
Misi Perusahaan adalah maksud unik yang membedakan suatu perusahaan dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis dan mengidentifikasikan lingkup operasinya dalam hal produk, pasar, serta teknologi.           
             Bagi perusahaan yang sedang mengembangkan sebuah bisnis baru atau sedang merumuskan kembali arah bagi bisnis yang sedang berjalan, perlu menentukan tujuan mendasar dan falsafah yang akan membentuk postur strategisnya.
              Tujuan mendasar yang membedakan sebuah perusahaan dari perusahaan-perusahaan lainnya yang sejenis, serta mengidentifi-kasikan ruang lingkup operasinya yang berkenaan dengan produk dan pasar disebut sebagai misi perusahaan.
             Misi juga mengandung uraian yang luas mengenai tujuan dan strategi ketimbang arahan atau petunjuk khusus. Dalam ungkapan yang khas, misi merupakan sebuah pernyataan, bukan sasaran-sasaran yang terukur, akan tetapi merupa-kan pernyataan tentang sikap, pandangan, dan orientasi.
                  Pada umumnya sebuah misi perusahaan dirancang untuk menyelesaikan tujuh hal berikut:

1. Menjamin kebulatan suara dalam hal tujuan di dalam organisasi.
2. Menyediakan sebuah landasan guna memotivasi penggunaan sumberdaya organisasi.

3. Mengembangkan suatu landasan, atau standar, untuk mengalo-kasikan sumberdaya organisasional.
4. Membangun sebuah suasana umum atau iklim organisasional, seperti misalnya, mendorong sebuah operasi “businesslike”.  
 5. Membantu sebagai sebuah focal point bagi siapa-siapa yang memihak kepada tujuan dan arah organisasi serta menghalangi pihak-pihak yang tidak dapat berpartisipasi lebih lanjut di dalam aktivitas-aktivitasnya.
6. Memfasilitasi penerjemahan tujuan dan sasaran ke dalam sebuah struktur kerja yang melibatkan penetapan tugas-tugas pada unsur-unsur tanggungjawab di dalam organisasi.
7. Menetapkan tujuan/maksud organisasional dan menerjemahkan tujuan-tujuan tersebut ke dalam sasaran-sasaran sedemikian rupa sehingga biaya, waktu, dan parameter kinerja dapat diperkirakan dan dikendalikan.

      Merumuskan sebuah Misi
Proses penetapan misi sebuah perusahaan untuk suatu bisnis ter-tentu, paling baik mungkin dapat dipahami melalui pemikiran tentang bisnis tersebut pertama kali berdiri. Untuk bisnis tertentu, diawali dengan suatu keyakinan, hasrat, serta aspirasi dari seorang entre-preneur.
               Dalam hubungan itu, pengertian misi biasanya didasarkan pada keyakinan-keyakinan mendasar berikut:

1) Barang atau jasa yang disediakan perusahaan dapat memberikan manfaat paling tidak sama dengan harganya.

2) Barang atau jasa dapat memenuhi kebutuhan seorang pelanggan dari segmen pasar tertentu yang saat ini belum terpuaskan dengan memadai.

3) Teknologi yang digunakan dalam produksi akan memberikan suatu barang atau jasa yang kompetitif dalam harga maupun kualitas.
 4) Dengan kerja keras dan dukungan pihak lain, suatu kegiatan usaha bukan hanya dapat survive saja tapi bahkan dapat tumbuh dan profitable.
5) Falsafah manajemen dari suatu kegiatan usaha akan menghasilkan sebuah public image yang menguntungkan serta akan memberikan imbalan finansial dan psikologis bagi pihak-pihak bersedia untuk menginvestasikan tenaga maupun uangnya untuk membantu perusahaan mencapai keberhasilan.
6) Konsep diri tentang bisnis dari para entrepreneur dapat dikomunikasikan dan diadopsi oleh para karyawan dan stakeholder

Basic Product or Service; Primary Market; Principal Technology
Company Goals: Survival, Growth, Profitability
Company Philosophy
Public Image
Company Self-Concept

Monday, June 11, 2012


  1. Shares ( stock ) was one of the most popular financial markets. Issuing of shares is one option the company wants to raise the company.
  2. On the other hand, the stock is an investment instrument that has been chosen because it shares the investor is able to provide an attractive rate of return.
  3. Shares can be defined as a sign of ownership of a person or party (business entity) in a corporation or limited liability company. By including the capital, then that party has a claim on corporate earnings, a claim on corporate assets, and is entitled to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).
Get a Capital Gain
Capital Gain is the difference between purchase price and sale price.
Capital gains made ​​by the stock trading activity in the secondary market.
            For example, investors buy shares of ABC at a price of   $3,000 per share and then sell it at a price of $ 3,500 per share, which means that investors get a capital gain of $ 500 for each share sold.
The risk of the stock has
1.      Capital Loss
is the opposite of Capital Gains, which is a condition in which the investor sells the shares is lower than the purchase price. For example, shares of PT. Buy XYZ at a price of $ 2,000, - per share, then the share price continued to decline until it reaches $ 1,400, - per share.
For fear that stock prices will continue to fall, investors sell at a price of $ 1,400, - so that a loss amounting to $ 600, - per share.
2      Liquidation risk
Owned company, was declared bankrupt by a court, or the company is dissolved. In this case the claims of shareholders' rights get last priority after all liabilities to be paid (from the sale of company).
3      If there is still remaining from the sale of the company's property, then the remainder is distributed proportionally to all shareholders.
4      But if there are no residual property company, the shareholders will not gain from the liquidation. This condition is a risk that the heaviest of the shareholders. For that a shareholder is required to continuously follow the development of the company

5        In the secondary market or in activities of daily stock trading, stock prices fluctuate either increase or decrease.
6        The formation of stock prices is due to supply and demand for these shares. In other words, stock prices formed by supply and demand for these shares.
7        Supply and demand is due to many factors, both of which are specific for these shares (the performance of companies and industries where the company is moving) and the nature of macro factors such as interest rates, inflation, exchange rate and non-economic factors such as social conditions and politics, and other factors.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


1.      Instrumen penelitian digunakan untuk mengukur nilai variabel yang diteliti.
2.      Jumlah instrumen tergantung jumlah variabel
3.      Instrumen ada yang bersifat baku, tetapi juga masih ada yang harus dibuat sendiri
4.      Setiap instrumen harus mempunyai skala

A. jenis-Jenis Skala Pengukuran
      Skala Likert – digunakan untuk mengukur sikap, pendapat dan persepsi tentang fenomena sosial
      Dengan skala ini, variabel yg akan diukur dijabarkan menjadi indikator  variabel  dan indikator inilah yang dijadikan untuk menyusun item pernyataan atau pertanyaan penelitian. Misal 

  1. Sangat setuju                                                                          
  2. Setuju
  3. Ragu-ragu
  4. Tidak setuju
  5. Sangat tidak setuju

  1. Selalu
  2. Sering
  3. Kadang-kadang
  4. Tidak pernah
  1. Sangat positif
  2. Positif
  3. Negatif
  4. Sangat negatif

a.       Sangat baik
b.      Baik
c.       Tidak baik
d.      Sangat tidak baik

Untuk keperluan analisis kuantitatif, maka jawaban itu dapat diberi skor, misalnya:
  1. Setuju/selalu/sangat positif diberi skor :5
  2. setuju./sering/positif diberi skor : 4
  3. Ragu-ragu/kadang-kadang/netral diberi skor: 3
  4. Tidak setuju/hampir tidak pernah/negatif skor: 2
  5. Sangat tdk setuju/tdk pernah diberi skor:1
Instrumen penelitian skala likert dpt berbentuk checklist or pilihan ganda

a. Contoh checklist

  • Berdasarkan  data tsb 65 orang (40 + 25) atau 65% men-jawab ST dan SS à artinya mayoritas karyawan setuju dengan metode kerja baru tersebut.
  • Data interval tsb juga dapat dianalisis dgn menghitung rerata jawaban berdasarkan skoring setiap jawaban dari responden dengan rumus:
Jumlah skor = f x bobot
Kemudian jlh skor dr semua kategori ditotal
  • Jlh skor ideal (kriterium) u/ seluruh iten = 5 x 100 = 500 (seandainya semua menjawab SS). Namun jlh skor dari contoh ini hanya 350. Dgn demikian berdasarkan data, maka tingkat persetujuan karyawan terhadap metode kerja baru adalah: (350 : 500) x 100% = 70% dari yang diharapkan dan secara kontinum dpt digambarkan sbb: 
b. Contoh Pilihan Ganda
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dgn pendapat Saudara dgn cara melingkari salah satu jawaban yg tersedia.
Prosedur kerja yang baru akan segera diterapkan di perusahaan Saudara
  1. Sangat setuju
  2. Setuju
  3. Ragu-ragu      
  4. Tidak setuju
  5. Sangat tdk setuju
  Dalam menyusun instrumen untuk variabel ter-tentu sebaiknya butir2 pertanyaan dibuat dalam bentuk kalimat positif, netral, dan atau negatif, sehingga responden dapat menjawab dgn serius dan konsisten


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